Tuesday 22 March 2016


LANEIGE ... , okay gais how to spell it ? i dont minds as long as sound good for ya.. hahah . First, why laneige ? its a trend ..so i decided to bought this cute BB cushion.. once u decide to buy , its comes with one pack REFILL which contains  BB cushion at price RM 153 anddd i got voucher that day . ok nvm . 
actually my tendency to bought this pore bb cushion coz , (1) im student (2) time is my rule life (3) alternative to makeup as faster as much . my class time start 8.00am oahhh

i used pore control , oily skin i reckon to gais buy this , cz its technology with wow benefits. My skin so bare ..  
breakout proud out area my skin . *
soooooooo sorcery HAS BEEN coming! happy2! where my pores?
okay that big , uncover at least the freshness was there and redness reduced.


Monday 21 March 2016

Wedding Johor Bharu - CERITA 1

SALAM , semua ... ini tangga rumah yg sampai bila bila saya ingat , sbb memori saya dan keluarga yg bnyak mengajar sy pelbagai perkara. Bunga ni saya ,ibu dan husand pilih untuk malam berinai kami. ibu lah yang selalu tolong saya dari  lahir sampai dah kahwin .. :') 
its  part of my family , kak za, abg ashraf ,kak faten .. ade lagi actually just nak bagitahu pelamin tu daripada leez bridal kt permas johor .alhamdullillah semua berjalan lancar . mase malam ni sya tak jumpe langsung suami saya , sebab semakin berdebar , p/s boleh tahan aku tidur malam tu haahhaha , maybe sebab penat . 
kasut ni ade lagi ,murah je rm100 . memang khas untuk org kahwin2 ni . hahaha simple and comfort. hmm

my friends :)